Motion Media

Once upon a time, the motion media were nothing more than 30-second radio and TV commercials. Today, social media and the easy dissemination of digital files have opened endless opportunities to tell an advertiser’s story via audio and video. Still, there’s one axiom that’s as true today as it ever was: Production values send a message just like words and pictures do. In other words, a good-looking production will make your organization look good. That’s why it’s important to hire Redemann Creative as your motion media producer. We’ve traveled far and wide, overseeing projects large and small. We know how to make sure that every dollar is spent carefully and efficiently, in order to maximize your production values and enhance your image.

Contact us for bright ideas on how you can start saving money and seeing results right away.

Bombardier ATV – “Not Japan”
TV ad

Most all-terrain vehicles carry the “Made in Japan” label. But not Bombardier ATVs. They’re proudly manufactured in rough and rugged Canada. So when Bombardier wanted to trumpet that legacy in a global television commercial, Dave Redemann drew a stark contrast across the picturesque Canadian landscape.

Filmed in a variety of locations around scenic Vancouver Island, the resulting 30-second commercial is a visual tour de force. While the on-screen words tell what Bombardier ATVs are not, the lush footage of four-wheel joyrides across the countryside tell what they are. Tough and sturdy and uniquely Canuck.

Redemann Creative – “Talk Like a Pirate Day”
viral video

The best viral videos are short, clever and infinitely forwardable. And they maintain strong production values, despite the fact that they often need to be relatively inexpensive. Such was the case with the video pictured here, which Dave Redemann wrote and produced to promote Redemann Creative.

He combined music, voice over and motion graphics to create this online celebration of everyone’s favorite unofficial holiday. Then he forwarded it to his clients and other contacts through a variety of social media venues.

Matrix – “Believe in Better”
sales video

Corporate videos don’t have to be stodgy and tedious. Not with the right blend of well-chosen words and well-crafted visuals. This sales video for Matrix Fitness is an excellent case in point. Its production values live up to the company’s reputation as a top-of-the-line gym equipment manufacturer,

Dave Redemann wrote the script, which orchestrates an interplay between the words appearing on the screen and the ones spoken by the announcer. Combined with sumptuous, automotive-style footage of Matrix products, the result is a compelling video that was crowned Best of Show by Milwaukee’s Business Marketing Association.